Published Articles

A small selection of some of recent, published work.

  • Ethical fashion: 6 steps to sustainably edit your wardrobe - Verve Super

    Put simply, ethical fashion is about reducing harm to people and the planet (slow fashion and sustainable fashion have similar goals, though the focus is different). If you’d like to do your bit, we’ve broken down a few simple, practical steps you can take to ethically edit your wardrobe.

  • Five money podcasts by women worth listening to - Verve Super

    We know first hand that finance feels like a boys club. Trying to decipher money-speak can feel like you’re attempting to read ancient hieroglyphics. Why can’t people just make it make sense?!

  • Tips to handling the 'new normal' - Treball Active

    With COVID restrictions easing all across the country, there’s a whole lot of change coming and not a lot of clarity on what to expect.

  • Our Podcast Subscribe List - Treball Active

    We're a little late on the podcast bandwagon, but now that we've gotten started, there is simply no stopping us.

  • The Dirt Company - Pilling


    The pesky, round little bobbles that make all your best wools, linens and silks look a bit like they belonged to a generation before you. You might be wondering how you managed so much fuzz. And how to get rid of it.

  • The Dirt Company - Washing

    Tea towels are amongst the dampest, warmest and most highly utilised textiles in your house. It's abundantly clear that they are the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and fester, and need some special treatment as part of your wash routine.

  • The Dirt Company - Reg v Delicate

    What exactly is the difference between the original Dirt Laundry Detergent formula, and our new Delicate wash?

    To put it simply: Dirt wasn’t designed for wools or delicate fabrics, but the Delicate wash is.

  • The Dirt Company - Face Masks

    Working out how to make your face mask work best, without working too hard is almost as confusing as this sentence.

    Which is why we've pulled together a little guide on how to integrate face masks easily into your routine.

  • Kappi - Choosing the Lesser Evil

    If you're new to the Zero Waste life, or even if you've been doing it forever - you have probably come to the conclusion that it's pretty darn difficult to be absolutely perfect in every decision you make.

  • Kappi - Sustainable Van Life

    Will + Bear was born on the road during an impromptu trip through remote Tasmania just four short years again. Since then, founders Lauren and Alex have spent the past four years jumping in and out of full-time living with their trusty van Marty.

  • Kappi - Climate Anxiety and Eco Guilt

    In 2017, eco-anxiety was officially defined as a "chronic fear of environmental doom" and mental health studies have revealed a surge in people reporting stress or depression about the climate.

  • Kappi - When your S/O Isn't as Climate Focussed as You

    In our lives, we actively choose to surround ourselves with likeminded people in our community so sometimes it can feel like we are actually all aware of the issues that impact our planet, and act accordingly to care for it.

  • Global Hobo - Love on Speed - Feature

    We’d met on our respective gap-year trips across Europe. How very unique and Australian of us.

    A mutual friend said we were destined to be together because we both play soccer, have blonde hair and like dumb jokes. It was fate. We were introduced and I gave him an awkwardly exuberant wave – I knew we would have something special.

  • Global Hobo - I Stood in Front of the Eiffel Tower and Felt Nothing - Feature

    I’ve spent almost half of my life caffeinating the masses of Brisbane in return for my meagre amount of savings. Yet at 18 years old, following extensive research, planning and daydreaming, I stood in front of the Eiffel tower in the heart of Paris and felt nothing.